
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R) toured a Panora business and answered questions from employees and residents Monday.

Grassley visited Nutriom, a food dehydration company and discussed topics such as flood disaster relief, immigration, and the Affordable Care Act. Grassley mentioned since the Supreme Court ruled the ACA, or Obamacare, as constitutional with Chief Justice John Roberts as the deciding vote, he doubts the court would rule it as unconstitutional now.

He also talked about the economy, crediting a 3% growth last year to deregulation and the tax bill that was passed in December 2017. Grassley mentions a shift in attitude since President Trump was elected, referencing the Etcheto family that owns Nutriom, “This family that’s invested this money they take risks. Well, every day you get new regulations, every day you’re going to get more taxes you got a new normal. The people that are going to take risks aren’t going to take the risks because what’s the government going to do to screw you tomorrow? Okay, so now we’ve got an attitude in Washington (D.C.) that encourages risk taking and with risk taking you get investment and with investment you get jobs.”

When asked how trade talks with China are going, Grassley said the U.S. wants structural change in China. This would mean a protection of intellectual property and trade secrets, as well as enforcement on a trade agreement. As long as all the details are finalized, Grassley expects an agreement could be signed in early June.