Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report
Dial 511 for Road Conditions
8:20 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to an erratic driving complaint in Bagley
9:00 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Panora Specialty Care
10:33 am Welfare by Guthrie Co Sheriff in Menlo
11:09 am Guthrie Co Deputy escorted a prisoner court
11:30 am Casey Fire responded to a grass fire on I-80 at the 83 mm
12:08 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on S 3rd Street in Guthrie Center
1:54 pm Panora Police responded to a call at the Elementary School
2:43 pm Panora Ambulance, Guthrie Co Sheriff and Deputies and Iowa State Patrol responded to a call on 160th Road
3:36 pm Stuart Police responded to a car vs. school bus accident at the high school. No injuries
6:15 pm Stuart Police, Guthrie Co Deputies, Adair Co Deputies, State Patrol and Stuart EMS responded to a fight in Stuart
8:20 pm Casey Fire responded to a grass fire along I80
9:08 pm Stuart EMS and Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a medical call in Stuart
6:10 am Panora Ambulance transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy Hospital
8:47 am Stuart Police responded to a juvenile complaint at the high school
8:53 am Guthrie Co Deputy released a prisoner from the Guthrie Co Jail
9:20 am Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to a medical call at Community Care Center
3:00 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff responded to a cattle call on the east edge of Guthrie Center
3:06 pm Chief Deputy served civil papers in Casey
4:10 pm Bayard Ambulance and Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on 2nd Avenue in Bayard
4:48 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a two-vehicle accident on Justice/150th Street. No injuries
5:15 pm Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a report of suspicious activity in Casey
5:56 pm Controlled Burn by Guthrie Center Fire on Jaguar Trail
6:45 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy Hospital
6:48 pm Guthrie Co Deputy was out with a 4-wheeler on Ranch Trail
10:10 pm Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to a full spill on I-80
11:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a missing juvenile in Yale
1:09 pm Vehicle unlock by Panora Police
1:28 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at the New Homestead
1:38 pm Panora Ambulance Unit 2 responded to a medical call at Mercy Clinic
2:13 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to Carroll Co
5:58 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on Kopeck Avenue
6:08 pm Attempt to serve civil papers on Prairie Street in Bayard by Guthrie Co Deputy
7:50 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on 140th Street
8:14 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on NW 2nd Street
8:20 pm Stuart Police responded to an attempt car break in on N Division Street
8:41 pm Casey Fire responded to a grass fire in the 1400 block of 330th Street north of Adair
10:52 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a verbal domestic on N 3rd Street in Guthrie Center behind Prime Time
23:19 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy
23:21 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on N 7th Street in Guthrie Center
1:18 am Stuart Police responded to a burglary call at S Summit Apartments
3:39 am Case follow up by Guthrie Co Deputy
8:16 am Case follow up by Stuart Police at S Summit Apartments
9:41 am Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a report for a possible committal
10:38 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff took a fraud report
1:46 pm Stuart Police arrest a suspect on a Guthrie Co Warrant
2:06 pm Welfare check by Stuart Police
3:35 pm Guthrie Co Deputies transported a prisoner back to the Dallas Co Jail
4:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a burglar alarm in Bagley
5:00 pm Stuart Police investigated a harassment complaint
5:15 pm Animal welfare check by Stuart Police
5:25 pm Stuart Police investigated a reported violation of no contact order
8:07 pm Civil attempt in Menlo by Guthrie Co Deputy
10:46 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a call in Casey
5:52 am Stuart Police investigated a burglary report on S Division Street
7:29 am Casey Fire responded to a car fire on I-80
9:21 am Chief Deputy responded to a report of property damage on State Street in Guthrie Center
10:16 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner from the Audubon Co Jail to the Guthrie Co Jail
11:37 am Guthrie Co Deputies assisted with funeral traffic in Guthrie Center
1:04 pm Stuart Rescue and Stuart Police responded to a medical call on SE 4th Street
3:44 pm Motorist assist by Guthrie Co Deputy on State Street in Guthrie Center
4:46 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at Community Care Center
5:12 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a gas drive off from Casey’s in Guthrie Center
5:46 pm Stuart Police responded to an erratic driving complaint
6:32 pm Attempt to serve civil papers by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bayard
8:52 pm Panora Ambulance, Guthrie Co Deputies and DNR responded to a medical call on 270th Street
8:57 pm Bayard Ambulance and Panora Ambulance Unit 2 responded to a medical call on 1st Street in Bayard
10:00 pm Panora Police responded to a report of a suspicious person at Casey’s
12:05 am Bayard and Panora Ambulances responded to a medical call at St Gregory’s in Bayard
10:16 am Traffic control for the fun run in Stuart by Stuart Police, Reserves, Guthrie Co Sheriff and Chief Deputy
10:24 am Attempt to serve civil papers in Menlo by Guthrie Co Deputy
10:33 am Panora Police responded to a traffic complaint
1:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Menlo
5:13 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted with a civil issue
6:02 pm Casey Fire responded to a call on 340th Street
6:51 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on North Street in Guthrie Center
9:59 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a domestic call in Yale
12:35 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity in Guthrie Center
9:21 am Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy in the 1700 block of Hwy 141
12:19 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted with a child custody issue in Menlo
4:03 pm Civil standby for a custody exchange in Menlo by Guthrie Co Deputy
7:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy release a prisoner on bond
8:17 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a suspicious person on SW 6th Street
10:49 pm Vehicle unlock at the high school by Panora Police
11:25 pm Vehicle unlock on Panorama Drive by Panora Police