
Eighty-five years ago this month the infamous criminal duo Bonnie and Clyde robbed the former First National Bank in Stuart. The Stuart Revitalization Group is paying tribute with the inaugural Bonnie and Clyde 5 Mile Run/Walk tomorrow.

Stuart Chamber of Commerce President Kristy Lonsdale says about 100 runners are registered for the run, which will start at the Dexter Roundhouse and then go west on White Pole Road, turning north at All Saints Drive to travel through Stuart and finish at the historic bank location downtown. Lonsdale mentions they are working with law enforcement officials to make the event possible, “White Pole Road will be closed from Dexter to Stuart for vehicle traffic during the run, which will be approximately 10:30-12:30 on Saturday. They’ll have fire trucks, some police cars out directing runners and traffic. So we’ve got a lot of volunteers, but if you’d like to volunteer for that Saturday we’re still taking volunteers to come help. You can never have enough people.”

If you are interested in volunteering tomorrow, contact Brenda Dudley at Participants interested in learning more about Bonnie and Clyde’s local history can visit the Dexter Museum, which will be open from 9 a.m.-noon.