The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday.
A presentation by the League of Cities on open meetings was cancelled, but the Council discussed a powerpoint presentation from the Iowa Public Information Board on open meetings and closed sessions following a complaint they received from IPIB on a closed session they held without published notice earlier this year.
The Council then held a public hearing for a Community Development Block Grant application for rehabilitation at six houses. No public comments were heard, so the Council approved a request for proposals from Region XII Council of Governments and an administrative plan for the application. They also approved contributing $12,000 for the project, as well as an equal opportunity policy statement and resolutions on prohibition of the use of excessive force, adopting a code of conduct, a procurement policy, and a residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan.
Finally, the Council discussed posting a notice for summer employment for the City and utility department, and heard presentations from Rumelhart Financial Services and State Street Insurance for EMC Insurance coverage for the next fiscal year.