
Several organizations received state grants to help beautify their communities.

The 2019 Paint Iowa Beautiful grant awards were recently announced and three projects were awarded funds through the partnership of Diamond Vogel Paint and Keep Iowa Beautiful. The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department received a grant for the Russell Park Shelterhouse, the City of Churdan will get grant funds for their City Hall and Post Office, while the Guthrie County Fair Foundation also received grant funds for their shower room, tables and displays at the fairgrounds in Guthrie Center.

The program donates free paint to public service projects across Iowa. In its 16th year, the two entities have teamed up to give away over 10,488 gallons of paint to 887 community projects. The three local projects are apart of 104 communities that will receive grants this year. For a full list of all the recipients, check the list below.


City or County; Organization; Areas to be painted; Contact:

Ackley; Ackley Heritage Center; 1800 house and schoolhouse; Barb Kreimeyer
Algona; City of Algona; Mural in downtown pocket park; Jacob Tjaden
Alta; Buena Vista County Fair; Grandstand and ticket booth; Jennifer Launderville
Ankeny; Crocker Elementary PTO; U.S. map game in school yard; Carrie Dueker
Auburn; Auburn Hometown Pride; Reiman Park Gazebo; Jane Barto
Belle Plaine; Preston’s Historic District; Roadside Museum buildings; Mary Preston
Belmond; Iowa Specialty Hospital ; Clinic waiting and exam rooms; Marc Legge
Benton County; Benton County Conservation; Benton County Parks; Karen Phelps
Bondurant; Community Foundation; School bus barn; Ted Bzdega
Boone; County Convention Bureau; Caboose Visitor Center; Kris Blocker
Britt; Hancock County Ag Society;  Building/Show Ring and Barns; James Legge
Burr Oak; Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum; Exterior of museum building; Barbara OLson
Carlisle; Carlisle Hometown Pride; Carlisle City Hall; Paige Moorman
Cedar Rapids; Ushers Ferry Historic Village; Telephone Cooperative; Ann Cejka
Chariton; Lucas County Fair Association; Overflow barn; Kim Etter
Cherokee; Hanover Historical Society; Machine shed; Arlin Hinkeldey
Churdan; Churdan; City Hall and Post Office; Krystal Kempf
Clarence; Clarence Main Street; Five crosswalks; Jennifer VanOort
Clarion; Clarion Pride; Homes in Clarion; Peggy O’Neill
Colfax; City of Colfax Iowa; Building, Bridges & stand; Wade Wagoner
Colfax; Colfax Main Street; Barn Quilt Project; Stuart Patterson
Columbus Junction; Park/Recreation Commission; Swinging Bridge Restoration; Mallory Smith
Columbus Junction; Columbus Roundy PTO; School Maintenance Bus Barn; Kelli Totemeier
Corning; City of Corning; Crosswalks; Janice Leonard
Correctionville; City of Correctionville; Mercantile &  Shoppe; April Putzier
Decorah; Seed Savers Exchange Inc.; Historic Fences; Heather Haynes
Des Moines; Blank Park Zoo; Night Eyes Displays; Julia Lantz
Des Moines County; Friends of County Conservation; Old Zion School; Kevin Moore
Drakesville; Betterment Committee; Park picnic tables/bandstand; Sharon Roland
Dubuque; City of Dubuque; Storm drains; Kristin Hill
Durant; Downtown Revitalization; Park benches, fence & lamp; Brooke Lerma
Dysart; Vision Dysart ; Street surface; Mary Behrens
Eagle Grove; Veterans Memorial Tower; Cement elevator tower; Daryl Watts
Essex; Shenandoah/Essex Police; Various homes; Kim Juarez
Exira; Economic Development ; Salon & American Legion Post; Sara Slater
Farragut; City of Farragut; Park Playground & Main Street; Kay Wing
Forest City; Park and Recreation; Park shower house; Barb Smith
Forest City; Winnebago Historical Society; Heritage Park/MansionMuseum; Jim Oulman
Galva; Economic Development Corp.; Main Street exteriors and mural; Anne M. Johnson
Gilmore City; Gilmore City Hometown Pride; Main Street City Gazebo; Chris McKee
Grand Mound; Home Town Pride; Ball Park stand & pump house; Don Kent
Guthrie Center; County Fair Foundation; Shower, tables & displays; Jolene Sheeder
Havelock; Hometown Pride Committee; City Hall Door & Fire Dept Door; Amanda Tripp
Hopkinton; City of Hopkinton; Library; Sarah Helle
Ida Grove; Ida Grove Public Library; Library; Angela Scales
Indianola; Chamber of Commerce; Murals; Brenda Easter
Indianola; Keep Indianola Beautiful; Salem Court Alley; Mary Richards
Iowa County; Iowa County Conservation; Round House at Lake Iowa Park; Shelley Berger
Jasper County; Jasper County Conservation; Ashton Observatory; Keri Van Zante
Jefferson; Jefferson Park and Recreation; Russell Park Shelter; Vicy Lautner
Kellogg; Hometown Pride Committee; Park cabin decks; Tammy Machin
Livermore; City of Livermore; Park shelter house; Sharon Grimm-Berte
Manning; Hausbarn-Heritage Park; Craftsman-style farm house; Marsha Clausen
Manson; Economic Development/C of C; Main Street facades/exteriors; Thelma McGough
Mason City; Mason City Chamber of Comm; Interactive sidewalk paintings; Allyson Krull
Mason City; North Iowa Fair Association; Fair grounds buildings; Lori Arends
Milo; Milo Hometown Pride; Buildings on Main Street; Diane Hall
Missouri Valley; Chamber of Commerce; Building exterior; Jeannie Wortman
Missouri Valley; City of Missouri Valley; Picnic Tables in the city park; Zach Olinger
Montrose; Montrose Riverfront, Inc.; Planters & picnic tables; Greg Ruth
Moorland; Moorland Park Board; Community Center; Delia Hoffman
Moville; Woodbury County Fair; 2 hog barns & 1 restroom; Randy Hayworth
New Albin; City of New Albin; Fire Department Building; Debra Stantic
Newell; Fire Department and City; Fire Station and City Hall; Melinda Buchholz
Newton; Centre for Arts & Artists; Mural; Linda Klepinger
Nora Springs; Parks and Recreation Board; Park Picnic Shelter; Emily Dykstra
Norwalk; Norwalk Hometown Pride; Day Care building; Mike Foss
Oelwein; City of Oelwein; Campground shower & shelter; Joshua Johnson MA
Osborne; Clayton County Conservation; Milwaukee Caboose; Molly Scherf
Oskaloosa; Iowa Fair & Exposition; 4-H & FFA animal barns; Erica Antolik
Palmer; Palmer Hometown Pride; Community Center; Samantha Condon
Pierson; City of Pierson; Comm Building/Fire Station; Jeanette Beekman
Pocahontas; Pocahontas Hometown Pride; Main Street Wall Art; Eric List
Polk County; Boys/Girls Clubs of Central IA; E.T. Meredith Jr. Club building; Amanda Franze
Prairie City; City of Prairie City; Park shelter, restroom & kiosks; Sue Ponder
Riceville; Wapsi-Great Western Trail; Four-Six recycled doors; Juliet O’Keefe
Rolfe ; Rolfe Hometown Pride; Golf course–maintenance shed; Barbara Bennett
Sac City; Sac City Hometown Pride; Warehouse; Bruce Perry
Sheldon; Prairie Arts Council; Historical Park; Karin Kay VandenBerg
Sioux Rapids; Sioux Rapids Area Historical; Historical theater floor; Ginny Smith
Spencer; Park & Recreation Department; School House picnic tables; Delray Bredehoeft
Stockton; Stockton, City of; Water plant, City Hall & Shelter; Patrick Baker
Swea City; North Kossuth; Softball Field Dugouts; Chris Stevens
Terril; Terril Public Library; Terril Memorial Building; Jan Torkelson
Walker; City of Walker; 200 Block of Greene Street; Connie Helms
Wall Lake; East Sac County Schools; Play Country playground; Chris Rodman
Walnut; Community Center ; West Gym; Amanda Lebeck
Wapello; Wapello Hometown Pride; Basketball court; Kathleeen Barrick
Waverly; Waverly Leisure Services; Golf Course wooden bridges; Tab Ray
Westside; City of Westside; Maintenance Building; Michell Simons
Winneshiek County; County Conservation; Historic Farmstead; Barbara Schroeder
Woodbine; Woodbine Main Street; Community building ; Deb Sprecker
Worthington; City of Worthington; Community Center & City Hall; Lauren Manternach

100th Anniversary State Parks Awards:

Grinnell; Friends of Rock Creek State Park; Informational sign posts; Dorothy Raymond
Hamburg (Rural); Friends of Waubonsie State Park; Picnic tables, benches, shelters; Rebecca Castle
Harpers Ferry; Friends of Yellow River State Forest; Visitors Headquarters; Cindy Heffern
Harpers Ferry; Friends of Yellow River State Forest; Office building near cabin; Kelli & Scott Boylen
Lee & Van Buren Counties; Friends of Shimek State Forest Equestrian Trails, Inc. (FOS); Picnic tables & wooden posts; Lora P Conrad, FOS Board Member
Madrid; Ledges State Park; Bathroom & check in building; Klint Peterson
McGregor; Friends of Pikes Peak State Park; Peak Inn, benches, planters, fire rings, board walk areas, tables; Joan Burns
Mount Vernon, Linn County; Friends of Palisades-Kepler State Park; Pit vault latrines and restrooms; Gail Brown
Sioux City; Friends of Stone Park; Stone lodge & water tower; Jeffrey Olson
Ventura; McIntosh Woods State Park; Park Open Shelter; Tammy Domonoske
Waterloo; George Wyth State Park; Tables, shelters and benches; Amanda Lynch