
The Adel City Council will hold a regular session Tuesday evening.

The meeting will begin with a proclamation of Arbor Day, which is April 26th. After that, there will be two public hearings. The first will focus on an amendment to an ordinance for the Southbridge Planned Urban Development, and the second is regarding a rezoning request by Cramer and Associates for land in the PUD. After the hearings, the Council will consider resolutions approving both topics. They will also set another public hearing to rezone a different portion of Southbridge.

Also in new business, the Council will consider a resolution ordering construction of the water treatment plant and setting a date for receiving bids for the project. They will also do the same for the City Hall window replacement project. Next, the Council will consider authorizing an interfund loan to the local option sales tax fund in order to purchase the land adjacent to Evans Park, as previously approved. Other items on the agenda include: approving the preliminary plat for Sargent’s Second Addition; a water leak credit policy; a construction contract and bond on the storm water utility project; an engagement agreement with City Attorneys Ahlers and Cooney for the window project; and a change order and pay estimate for the east annex sanitary utility improvement project.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday, held in the Council Chambers at Adel City Hall.