The Iowa Diocese of Des Moines recently released the names of nine priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors, and one had served a short time at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Perry.
According to the report, Albert Wilerding served in Perry between 1960 and 1962. He served at 14 different parishes during his nearly 30-year career, and had reportedly sexually abused 25 male victims between the late 1950’s through the mid 1980’s. Wilderling was removed from the ministry in 1981, and resided out of state until he died in 2004. The allegations against him were substantiated in 2003, but he died before his laicization. Of the nine individuals named by the Des Moines Diocese, only two are still alive. The release of the names comes on the heals of a similar action taken by the Sioux City Diocese in March. In that report, 28 individuals were named including four who served in parishes in Greene County, and one with connections to Perry.
Along with the names, Bishop Richard Pates of the Des Moines Diocese released a statement: “I apologize for the pain experienced by those abused by our priests, as well as the pain this has caused to all the faithful and those in our broader society. I share the anger and frustration of recent reports of clerical abuse of minors and young people. It is my sincere hope the release of this list facilitates healing, encourages additional victims who have faced abuse to come forward, and begins to restore trust.” Pates also promised to do more to prevent such things from happening in the future, and encouraged anyone else who experienced abuse at the hands of the clergy to step forward.
Click the link below to view the full list of those identified by the Des Moines Diocese.