
Those who are interested in starting their own agriculture business can receive on-the-job training through Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI).

Sixteen farms across the state are taking part in PFI’s Labor4Learning program, including ones in Adair, Greene, and Guthrie counties. PFI Next Generation Coordinator Steve Carlson describes the purpose of Labor4Learning, “So Labor4Learning is a program that is really built for an aspiring farmer. It’s for that group of people who are interested in a career in agriculture but haven’t yet started their own farm, and maybe have some questions on what it’s like to run a farm business and whether they’re really cut out for that kind of work.”

Participating Labor4Learning farms represent a diversity of enterprises including row crops, small grains, multiple species of livestock, fruits, and vegetables. They also vary in their production practices, including organic certification, hydroponic vegetable production, and urban vegetable production. Participants receive a paid on-farm job, as well as training on topics like record keeping, marketing, and other skills. For a link to job descriptions and more information, visit here.