The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday.
The meeting began with the Council approving an informal resolution from the Iowa Public Information Board regarding the Council having a closed session on January 28th that was not listed in the agenda. Council member Garold Thomas discussed the matter, “I’ve been doing a little studying on this and if I had just kept my big mouth shut we would’ve been okay but I’m the one that requested going into a closed meeting and I know that the only one that can request a closed meeting is the person about whom we are discussing. And that has to be in the minutes as a possible action, it has to be on the agenda as a possible action and that’s where we messed up. So I think our big mistake was taking up an item of business that wasn’t on our agenda.”
Training will be held for the Council, Mayor Dennis Kunkle, and City Administrator Laura Wolfe by the League of Cities at their next meeting April 8th. The City will also develop a checklist for holding a closed session. Finally, the Council approved the purchase of a Bobcat skid loader for $57,911.98 for the public works department.