The Panora City Council met in regular session Monday.
The meeting began with no action on an employee residency request per the electric committee’s recommendation. Next, the Council held a public hearing on the cooperation agreement and proposed annual tax levy of $6,420 to support the Guthrie County Regional Airport Authority. No comments were heard and the Council then approved the first reading and waived the second and third for the agreement and the levy. The Council then held a public hearing for the fiscal year 2020 budget and then approved adopting said budget.
In other business, the Council approved the first reading and waived the second and third for the water rate and sanitary sewer rate changes. Per Public Financial Management’s recommendation, the water rate will increase 3% monthly with a $2.98 monthly increase for the availability charge, and a 5% increase for sewer. Citing better communication and greater utilization of benefits, the Council approved the wholesale power agreement and operations and maintenance agreement between the City and Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative Association and Central Iowa Power Cooperative. Finally, the Council approved a loan agreement authorizing the call of outstanding bonds and providing for the issuance of general obligation refunding bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same.