
The National Weather Service recently released the final spring flood outlook for the Raccoon River in Greene, Dallas and Guthrie counties.

According to the report released March 7th, the risk of minor, moderate or major flooding on the river is above normal. The conditions reported snowpack above normal levels; soil moisture generally above to near record in most of the NWS Des Moines Service area; frost depth, most being 24-inches deep in the northwestern third of the service area; streamflows ranging from near to much above normal levels; and drought conditions, which none were reported.

A Flood Watch has been issued for Greene, Dallas and Guthrie counties until Thursday night. Hazards with the watch include melting snow combined with one to two inches of rain could cause flooding to occur and ice jams to happen along the Raccoon River and other streams. NWS Senior Hydrologist Jeff Zogg gives some reminders of what to do when encountering possible flooding situations.

“The biggest thing we tell people is to ‘Turn Around, Don’t Drown.’ If you encounter a flooded roadway or a flooded path, turn around and find an alternate route, never try to go through flooded roads or flooded paths. You just don’t know how deep that water is and if that water or road is impacted.”

To view the second flood outlook report, click the link below.