The Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday night.
The meeting began with the Council holding a public hearing for the proposed fiscal year 2020 budget. The budget was approved with an estimated tax levy of $16.72 per $1000 valuation on regular property and $3 per $1000 valuation on agricultural property. Next, the Council approved a city property insurance renewal with EMC Insurance Group. The bulk of the meeting was spent discussing how to move forward after Stuart Rescue Director Joe Hupp submitted a resignation letter, citing a bulk of responsibility as he is also the Panora EMS Director. He requested his last day be March 31st, but he would work longer if a suitable replacement was not found by that date. Former Stuart resident Greg Saxton told the Council he would like to serve as director, and he is currently training to be a paramedic. Hupp mentioned there are others that are interested in the position, and the Council was asked whether they would publish a job posting or form a hiring committee like they did a couple years ago. Council member James Morgan motioned that the City publish a job posting for the position.
Following the discussion, the Council approved the lowest bid of $40,426 from ABC Electrical Services for Northeast Second Street lighting in the Wambold Phase Two project. The Council also approved setting April 8th as the public hearing date to sell the property at 308 North Harrison Street. Finally, the Council approved a $1000 contribution to Region XII Council of Governments, appointed Bob Cook to the Historic Preservation Commission, discussed expanding the 2-6 a.m. street parking ban from downtown during snow events, and accepted a bid from Marty Derry for asbestos removal at 512 South Summit Street.