
Big changes are coming to the Perry Municipal Airport this year, starting with the construction of a new hangar, apron, and taxilane.

The project cleared a major hurdle recently, as the Perry City Council reviewed bids and awarded a contract for the work. The low bidder was Jensen Builders, LTD, from Des Moines, who’s bid of $815,749 was well under the engineer’s estimate. Additionally, City Administrator Sven Peterson says the hangar project could wind up costing less than that. “Even with that bid, the contractor has always been very good about working with the City and our engineers to come up with ways to reduce that cost even more without really making the project anything less. So just some value engineering on that.”

Peterson adds, Jensen is a contractor they’ve worked with in the past and have a great relationship with. They previously built another hangar at the airport and were responsible for remaking the parking lot at the McCreary Community Building, two projects the City was very happy with. As for a timetable for construction of the new hangar, Peterson says it’s in the hands of Mother Nature. “That’s kind of the biggest thing with all the projects we have going. We just are waiting for all this darn snow to first stop, and then melt away. We’ll probably need to dry out a little bit, and then we’ll be able to move forward with the project.”

To learn more about this and other topics involving the City of Perry, click the link below to listen to the most recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Peterson.