
The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.

The meeting began with a pair of public hearings. The first was the presentation of the proposed fiscal year 2020 budget. The budget included $12.6 million in expenditures, with a tax levy of $17.80 per $1,000 of assessed value, down seven cents from the previous year. No one spoke during the hearing, so the budget was approved during regular business. The second public hearing was for the consideration of bids for the hangar, apron, and taxilane project at the Perry Municipal Airport. There were eight bidders who responded, with the low bid being $815,749 from Jensen Builders, LTD of Des Moines. There were no objections, so the Council approved awarding the bid.

In new business, they approved an urban renewal joint agreement with the Dallas County Board of Supervisors for the expansion project at the Tyson Foods plant. Since the plant is located within two miles of City limits, the County needed the City’s approval on the creation of a new Urban Renewal Area. Next, the Council approved the appointment of Lin Jacobsen to the Perry Tree Board, and set a public hearing to consider a voluntary annexation for April 1st. Finally, they approved the donation of the final Streetscape Sculpture on Willis Avenue, agreeing to provide insurance and electricity to “Furrowed Fields.”

To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at