As west central Iowa has seen tremendous amounts of snow this February, farmers must work even harder to make sure their livestock and swine make it through the winter.
Gravel roads covered in ice and snow drifts may prove a hassle to producers going to care for their animals this week, and Dr. Callie Garoutte with the Stuart Veterinary Clinic says access to water is essential for livestock during colder months, “So the hard part about winter, right, is the waters freeze and that’s not fun keeping those waters open, but probably one of the most important things is that livestock always has access to clean, fresh water for the most part. Whether that be a creek where they’re chopping the ice or if they have the ability to haul the water, but just making sure that those animals are still able to drink so they don’t get dehydrated. It doesn’t necessarily have to be warm water, out of a creek is not going to be warm, but just the availability of water is so important to animals all times of the year, but especially in the winter time when they’re more prone to becoming dehydrated.”
Garoutte adds, it’s important for cattle to get increased roughage for proper nutrition and have shelter against the wind. Ventilation is also essential for hog confinements and other barns, so making sure facility fans are cleared from snow drifts is key.