It’s been a busy winter for road crews throughout central Iowa, including the Perry Public Works Department.
Deputy Public Works Director Josh Wuebker says keeping up with plowing streets the last two months has been an uphill battle, but he feels the City’s workers have done a good job so far. The issues were multiplied with the blizzard this past weekend, which Wuebker says presented a whole new list of concerns. “With all the snow that we have now, we’re at the process of trying to open these roads up a little bit. And unfortunately what happened over the weekend is it rained, and then it got sleeted out, and then it snowed. And that snow just acted like an insulation blanket. When we took that snow off, it instantly froze. So that’s why you’re seeing a lot of these roads that are just a sheet of ice now. We are applying salt, but with salt, you know we need some help from Mother Nature with the sun. Really until it warms up, it kind of is what it is.”
Wuebker adds, despite their frequent use of salt, the City is in no danger of running out this year. With more snow possible within the next week, the Public Works Department reminds people to continue observing the snow ordinance and keep their vehicles off the streets when crews are trying to clear the roads.
To hear more from Wuebker, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.