The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The meeting began with County Attorney Chuck Sinnard mentioning that one of his assistant attorneys would be attending an out of state conference on digital evidence. The trip will be paid for through the U.S. District Attorney fund, so the Board didn’t need to take any action to approve the trip. The first action items on the agenda each related to the Secondary Roads Department. First the Board approved an out of state travel request for County Engineer Al Miller to attend the National Association of County Engineers Annual Conference, which will be in Wichita, Kansas from April 14-18.
Next, the Supervisors approved a contract with Batey, LTD for debris removal. The bid was accepted at a previous meeting, but the contracts weren’t finalized until now. The cost of the project is $198,825, well under the initial estimate, which will be paid for with funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The last roads department item was a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. to award the central maintenance facility storage building project contract. The Board accepted the low bid of $515,555 from Pro-Line Building Company of New Sharon.
Another public hearing was held at 10 a.m. to consider bids received for the furnishings of the courthouse renovation. The low bid was $90,288.12 from All Makes, a furniture company out of Des Moines. After the hearing the Board approved the contract. The meeting concluded with a workshop with the Treasurer’s Department to discuss reorganizing the employee structure and re-evaluating certain positions. Finally, the Supervisors recessed and reconvened at 1 p.m. to conduct two interviews for the Human Resources Director position. The Board and hiring committee are hoping to have the job filled in the next couple weeks.