While Iowa Republicans are working to create a constitutional amendment restricting the right to an abortion, the legislature is also in talks for a proposal from the governor to give greater access to birth control.
Governor Kim Reynolds (R) has proposed a bill that would allow insured Iowans to get some forms of birth control from a pharmacist without seeing a doctor. House District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen (R) comments on the proposal, “For the most part this seems like a good idea and more access to birth control so we don’t have to go down the route of abortion. I think that right there is the goal to kind of nip it in the bud before we even have to go down that route and then start using abortion as a birth control.”
This proposal follows the Republican led-legislature’s 2017 replacement of a federally-funded family planning program for low-income and underinsured Iowans with a state-run system that excludes abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood, UnityPoint Health and University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. You can hear more from Sorensen during today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program on air and online at raccoonvalleyradio.com.