Supervisors reviewing master matrix scoring with County Environmental Health Administrator Chuck Wenthold (middle sitting)
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday.
The Board discussed the resolution to adopt the 28E agreement with the Greene County School District for the construction of the career academy. Supervisor Mick Burkett brought up a concern that he didn’t think they should be paying for areas of the career academy that the high school is using. Part of the 28E agreement stipulates that the County will pay whatever percentage of the expense is to build a classroom that will be used both as the career academy and for high school classes. Burkett also thought that the high school was moving parts of their classes into the career academy because the school district couldn’t pay for parts of it in their budget. Board Chair John Muir said it makes sense for efficiency purposes to build one classroom as a “dual purpose” classroom for taxpayers instead of building two separate classrooms to serve the same purpose. However, the County is only paying it’s percentage of what that classroom will be used as part of the career academy.
Following the lengthy discussion, the Board voted three to one in favor of adopting the resolution, with Burkett abstaining. He said the reason why he abstained was because he didn’t like how it was being handled. Supervisor Tom Contner was absent.
The Board also reviewed the master matrix scoring for the Bardole Finisher hog confinement site in Section 5 of Washington Township. The score was 535 points, with 440 being the minimum required by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. There was a closure plan in place, but no points were taken for landscaping. The public hearing is scheduled for February 25th at 9:15am.
Finally, the Board set March 4th as the public hearing date to proposing selling the county property at 2047 100th Street to Midland Power Cooperative for $750.