
Dallas County Conservation is continuing their series of events in the Big Year Birding Challenge with a pair of avian-related programs coming soon.

The first is this Sunday, and it will be a collaboration between Dallas and Polk County Conservation, as well as the Army Corps of Engineers. The annual “Eagle Watch will be held from noon-4 p.m. at the Saylorville Reservoir. Specific viewing locations and programming schedules will be available at the Saylorville Visitor Center the day of the event. The second event was rescheduled from this week to next week due to weather. The always popular “Owl Prowl” event, will be held on Thursday, February 28th from 7-8 p.m. at the Kuehn Conservation Area. Conservation Outreach Director Ken Keffer explains what the program entails.

“We usually go out and (take) a little walk through the woods. We might kind of make some owl calls and see if we can get a response back. This is the time of year where the owls are going to start breeding and nesting, and so they’re a little more vocal, we’ve got a better chance of hearing what’s going on. And we don’t want to go too deep in the season, or they’ll be on eggs and stuff, and we don’t want to be harassing the wildlife. But this time of year we can get out there, and try to connect with some of the wild friends of the Kuehn Conservation Area.”

Both of the upcoming programs are free to attend, though registration is required to take part in the “Owl Prowl.” For more information or to sign up, stop in or call Forest Park Museum at 515-465-3577. To hear more from Keffer, listen to Thursday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.