The Adel City Council convened Tuesday evening in regular session.

The meeting started with a public hearing regarding the plans and specifications, form of contract, and estimate of costs for the storm water utility improvements project on North 15th Street. No one spoke against it, so following the hearing the Council approved a resolution to accept it. Next, they gave the okay to Police Chief Gordy Shepherd to begin the hiring process for a 10th officer, who will be hired before the end of the current fiscal year but won’t cost any additional money on the Police Department’s current budget.

In new business, the Council tabled any decision on an additional $10,000 in funding for the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce until the public hearing on the fiscal year 2019-20 budget. They also approved proceeding with the process of purchasing two acres of land near Evans Park, which is estimated to cost around $150,000. They then held a great deal of discussion on signs for businesses, ultimately agreeing to place a moratorium on pole signs and set a height restriction on others. The matter will be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission next month before coming back to the Council to vote on an update to the City’s Code of Ordinances.

Other items approved included: a vehicle purchase request for the Police Department and transferring an older police vehicle to the Fire Department; appointing Mayor Jim Peters as the representative and Councilmember Bob Ockerman as alternate to the Dallas County Emergency Management Commission; an agreement with Local Government Professional Services, Inc for codification services; a pay estimate and budget transfer; and setting March 12th for a public hearing to present the next fiscal year budget. Finally, the Council approved the appointment of Stephanie Poole to the Planning and Zoning Commission, selecting her from three applicants who were each in attendance at the meeting.