With more snow on the ground and on the roads today, Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard emphasizes the importance of slowing down and driving safely in adverse weather conditions.
“It’s extremely slick out there, (so) put some distance between you and the car in front of you, and make sure that you’re comfortable with your stopping distance. Make sure you have good tires on, you know check your car out, make sure it’s operating properly. And these are all common sense type of things, but sometimes you have to say them outloud for people to remember, like ‘Oh yeah, I should have that looked at.’”
To drive the point home, the Sheriff’s Office recently posted a video taken from dash cam footage. The video shows a deputy being hit by an SUV that was swerving out of control between emergency vehicles during a recent snowstorm. The deputy reportedly suffered minor injuries. Leonard says it serves as a good example that motorists need to use caution while driving in winter weather conditions.
Click the link below to visit the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and view the video.