Dallas County Conservation has a big weekend planned, as they are set to host two separate free programs on Saturday and Sunday.
The first event will be tomorrow, as people of all ages are invited to the Kuehn Conservation Area near Minburn for a “Nature Play Day.” Activities will include playing in the snow, collecting and building with pinecones, and navigating the mazes in the thickets. Attendees can come and go as they please at any time between 1-3 p.m., but you’re reminded to dress for the weather.
On Sunday, Conservation will host an event from 2-4 p.m. at Kuehn, which will be the next in their series involving famous Ecologist Aldo Leopold. In celebration of the 70th anniversary of Leopold’s “Sand County Almanac,” naturalists will help attendees search the landscape for the stories written by the tracks left by winter animals. Attendees will then have an opportunity to use a two-man bucksaw while learning about important natural events in Dallas County’s history. Registration is required for this program.
For more information on these and other upcoming events with Dallas County Conservation, stop in or call Forest Park Museum at 515-465-3577.