The transition-targeted date for Greene County to fully take over the ambulance services remains on track.
The County Board of Supervisors have worked closely with Transitional Director Lacy Brubaker and Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams in approving the 2020 fiscal year budget of $512,300 for expenses and $350,000 in revenues, along with a fee schedule for ambulance trips. Board Chair John Muir describes another major item that needs to be fulfilled.
“The biggest hurdle, or the thing we need to get done is hire a permanent director. Then that person can start to fill in the blanks of structure of scheduling and how they want to schedule (employees).”
One goal Muir says the Supervisors want is to have a certified paramedic be on-call 24-hours a day.
“We want to have paramedics so that at all times we have a service that can do a transport if it’s required to have a paramedic (or) anything. We want to have somebody available on the schedule can fill that position.”
Muir adds that applications for the ambulance director position will be available next week in the Greene County Auditor’s office. The target date for the County to take over the ambulance service is April 1st.