
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with the approval of the latest pay application for the law enforcement center. A total of $712,054.83 was paid to seven different contractors. Jerry Purdy with Design Alliance also mentioned that the timeline for the facility’s completion hasn’t changed since the last update, with it still scheduled to be occupied by mid October of this year. Following that, the Board approved the first pay application of $22,486.50 to Trinity Construction for the courthouse renovation project. Also related to that project, the Supervisors set February 21st at 4 p.m. as the time for receiving and opening bids for the furnishings, and February 26th at 10 a.m. to award the bid and contract.

At 9:30 a.m., the Board held a public hearing on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) debris removal project through the Secondary Roads Department. The low bid was $198,825 from Batey, LTD, which was the contractor the last time the County hired an outside company to handle debris removal. No formal action was taken by the Board following the hearing, due to County Engineer Al Miller needing to present the final contract and other documents at a future meeting. Similarly, Miller presented the low bid of $62,120 from Forterra Pipe and Precast for a box culvert project on U Avenue, and will bring the contract later. Other items approved for the Roads Department included purchases of a UTV for $11,714.96, and a vacuum excavator for $70,639.

The Board also approved several other items, including: an update to the County’s policy on 100% voluntary annexation in urbanized areas; two storm sewer easements under the Raccoon River Valley Trail related to the new Apple facility west of Waukee; and a request by the Public Health Department to move offices. The meeting concluded with a budget workshop.