
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved the Emergency Medical Services fee schedule. The fees range from $1,025 for individuals that are considered emergent and needing at least three kinds of medications by IV or one or more procedures administered by an Advanced Life Support (ALS) individual for ambulance transport. To the lower end of a Basic Life Support (BLS) non-emergent individual for $700. Other fees that were approved included $18 per mile to transport an individual and $50 every time an ambulance response to a call for service, but no actual transport is needed.

The Board then approved the County Recorder’s report of fees for January of $24,433, along with the County Treasurer’s investment report for December of $6.7 million and January of $6.1 million. Additionally, the Board approved the County Treasurer’s driver’s license report for December for issuing 240 driver’s licenses and issuing 242 licenses in January.

Finally, the meeting ended in a budget workshop. The Supervisors discussed their discretionary funding for entities. The Board gave $117,577 in the 2015 fiscal year for discretionary funding and for the proposed 2020 fiscal year, the requested total amount is $143,087. The current fiscal year, the Supervisor gave $132,460. Vice-Chair Dawn Rudolph argued that the requested amount for next fiscal year was significantly more than in past years, and she urged the other Supervisors to consider their own projects with repairing the bell tower roof, to the heating and cooling system for the courthouse and replacing the elevators in the courthouse and the bell tower. The Board took no action following the discussion.