
The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.

In new business, the Council will consider a resolution to enter into a professional services agreement for facility evaluation and planning services for the McCreary Community Building. The agreement would be between the City and ETHOS Design Group, replacing the previous design firm, SVPA Architects. Due to performance issues, the City elected to part ways with SVPA and identify a new firm to complete the McCreary Center assessment. After that, the Council will approve the tax abatement applications for construction completed in 2019.

Finally, the Council will consider authorizing a temporary pay increase for the City’s Compliance Officer, Mark Colton. Since the resignation of former Building Official Abraham Cardenes, Colton has been performing additional duties for the City. The raise will be effective retroactively from January 1st, and will continue until a new building official is hired. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.