The Panora City Council met in regular session Monday.
The meeting began with approval of an annual contribution of $1,000 to the Region XII Council of Governments housing trust fund. Next, the Council approved scheduling a public hearing on February 25th for an ordinance of a new levy funding agreement for the Guthrie County Regional Airport Authority. The Council also plans to have a first reading of this ordinance on the 25th, pending future action from the County Board of Supervisors. The Council also approved setting a public hearing on February 11th on a proposal to refinance a general obligation refunding loan of $1,060,000, and they approved a financing proposal for a sewer lining project from J & H Waterstop Utilities. Finally, the Council approved changing the hours of part-time water plant employee Erick Van Cura, so he can be insured by their health care provider. The City plans to have Van Cura succeed Public Works Director Jerry Buttler, who plans to retire this summer.