There’s certainly been some winter weather felt in Greene County recently and for this week, dangerously cold temperatures will be the issue.
So when there’s chances for snow, ice and/or extremely cold temperatures, how do school districts decided when to cancel, delay or call school off early? Greene County School District Superintendent Tim Christensen says there are a few factors he uses before making those kinds of decisions. The first factor is traveling the roads. Christensen says he relies heavily on the information he receives from Ground and Transportation Directors Shawn DeMoss and Robert Stofer. DeMoss typically checks the roads on the eastern side of the district, Stofer will take care of the central portion, while Christensen checks the western side. Christensen adds that they drive the roads to check the conditions.
Another factor is communicating with area superintendents. Specially, says Christensen, area superintendents west of the district to get a better feel of what he could potential have to deal with. By talking with area superintendents, Christensen notes that it also allows him to get a good indication of the road conditions on the outer edges of the district.
One of the final factors is using the weather forecast. This provide information as far as timing of a weather system as well as the potential for ice and snow accumulation. However, one factor that isn’t typically used very much is the temperature and wind chill. Christensen points out that when temperatures are 25 below zero that’s when he has discussions about delaying school.
Christensen says the whole process, depending on when a weather situation happens, can be done the night before starting at 7pm and ending around 10:30. Otherwise, in the mornings, it’ll start at 4:30am, with the final decision being made to either delay or cancel school at 6.