County Conservation Director Dan Towers (left) presenting budget to Supervisors
County Conservation Director Dan Towers (left) presenting budget to Supervisors

The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday for a budgetary meeting.

During open forum, County Attorney Thomas Laehn addressed the Board. He presented the Board with a 28E agreement draft on the career academy with the Greene County School District. He talked with the school district’s attorney Keith Pedersen and he anticipates the school board to approve the agreement at their February meeting. Laehn recommended to wait until mid-February before the Supervisors approved the same agreement.

Next the Board discussed the mental health advocate position with representatives from Central Iowa Community Services (CICS) and Greene County Disability Services Coordinator Ellen Ritter. Following the discussion, the Supervisors agreed to appoint Ritter as the direct supervisor of the advocate of the county at next week’s meeting. The Board then approved the Iowa Wages Report for 2019 and the semi-annual substance abuse report as presented.

The Board then discussed several county department budgets for the 2020 fiscal year. The first was the proposed budget for ambulance service. The revenues were estimated to be $350,000, while the expenses were projected at $512,300 from the general fund. There will also be a budget amendment for the current fiscal year of $100,000 in expenses to purchase existing equipment from Greene County Emergency Medical Services Co-Founder Dennis Morlan.

The other budgets the Board reviewed included general assistance, conservation, medical examiner, emergency management and general services. Finally, the Board had a lengthy discussion on the compensation board’s recommendation for salary raises for the elected officials.

No action was taken by the Board following any of the budget discussions.