As the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area has recently seen the most substantial snow yet this winter, snowmobile enthusiasts may be heading out to the trails this weekend.

Local snowmobile club, the Raccoon Valley Snow Chasers, maintain trails along the right-of-way and other areas in Dallas, Greene, and Guthrie counties. Snowmobiling is allowed on the Raccoon River Valley Trail when there is at least four inches of snow, but they are not allowed in the city limits of Dallas Center and Perry. After a southeast Iowa man died during a snowmobiling trip earlier this month, Raccoon Valley Snow Chasers President Mike Patten advises what drivers should bring along when they head out on the trails, “It’s nice to bring another person to ride along with you to help you if you get in trouble. Some people bring some snacks to stop along the trail and have a break, a tow rope is kind of nice. Some places you’d carry GPS stuff but anymore you got a cell phone and you can keep it on your body to kind of keep it warm you’re usually in pretty good shape, you know you can get a hold of somebody but you gotta remember when the weather’s cold and that phone’s cold it’s not going to work.”

Patten says he hopes the weather cooperates so the club can get the trails prepared for snowmobiling this weekend. To find more information on the club visit their Facebook page.