The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council approved hiring Cole Jackson as a full-time officer for the police department. His starting salary is $41,516 and his start date is January 25th. The Council also approved purchasing two blower motors from Iowa Pump Works for the wastewater plant for $19,549, apply for a $160,000 grant through Region XII Council of Governments for a Transportation Enhancement Grant for the East Lincoln Way Entryway project, and a $2,193 grant through tier III of hotel/motel tax grant funds for Jefferson Matters: Main Street to purchase another bronze historical plaque for the downtown square. Additionally, the Council set March 12th for the public hearing date and may adopt the 2020 fiscal year budget following the hearing.
The Council then heard a quarterly financial report. Finally during reports, Mayor Craig Berry challenged the People for Animal Welfare Society (P.A.W.S.) organization to adopt the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program with Alley Cat Allies, which would not require an ordinance change through the city.
To hear more about last night’s city council meeting, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program with Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer.