Perry City Council 8-6

The Perry City Council will convene Tuesday evening for a regular session on a special night.

Due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observance on Monday, the Council elected to meet the day after. The first action item on the agenda is a resolution providing for the issuance of $2 million in general obligation airport improvement bonds, as well as providing for the levy of taxes to pay for the remainder of the airport runway extension project. Also related to the airport, the Council will consider a resolution ordering bids, approving plans and specifications, and other aspects for the new hangar project.

In new business, the Council will have discussion and possible approval of a service agreement between the City and Safe Building Compliance and Technology. Through the agreement, the company would provide inspections for all construction within City limits. Finally, the Council will consider a resolution to create a Community and Economic Development Department, as well as approving the job description of the department’s director and beginning the process of hiring the position.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.