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The City of Adel is looking for a few things. The first is a new employee, and the second is public input on the direction of the City.

Following the recent promotion of Angela Leopard to City Clerk, the City needs to hire a new Accounting Clerk. The position is full time and reports directly to Finance Officer Brittany Sandquist. The new clerk will be responsible for all aspects of utility billing and compliance, and the job features a variety of accounting, financial, and administrative tasks. Interested applicants can get an application online or in person, and the deadline to apply is Monday, January 28th at 4:30 p.m.

Additionally, Adel is hosting a public workshop this coming Tuesday to get feedback on the City’s new comprehensive plan, titled “Envision Adel 2040.” Residents are invited to weigh in on the plan and help guide the growth and development of the community. The event will include a presentation and overview of the planning, as well as some preliminary analysis results. The event will be held on January 22nd from 6-8 p.m. in the Adel Public Library Community Room.

For more information on the Accounting Clerk position, click the first link below. You can also click the second link to print out an application. For more information on the comprehensive plan workshop, click the third link.