With the start of the new year comes the beginning of the next budgeting season for the City of Perry.
City Administrator Sven Peterson says the funds his staff have to work with every year aren’t abundant, which makes creating the budget a challenge. However, he emphasizes that they make it work every time, which is a testament to the hard work everybody puts in. “Well, it’s always a tense time for us. There’s never just a whole truckload of money that appears one year and we get to spend in a fun fashion. But operating costs with the general fund are always pretty tight, and hopefully this year we can make things work. I’ve got to give a huge shout out to my staff for making due with what they have. It’s not always been easy, but I certainly appreciate all the hard work they put in and making our resources last longer and do what they need to do.”
Peterson reminds residents that the budgeting process is public, so Perry citizens are encouraged to attend the work sessions and public hearings scheduled between now and when the budget is certified. He adds that people will be able to view the budget proposals at City Hall, the Perry Library, and the McCreary Community Building once the initial planning is complete. To hear more from Peterson, listen to this past Tuesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.