The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council approved a three-year contract with Iowa Pump Works to do an annual inspection of all eight of the City’s sewer lift stations at a cost of $1,802 per year. The Council also approved to extend Jefferson Community Golf Course Manager Micah Destival’s contract from nine to ten months. City Administrator Mike Palmer said Destival requested the increase due to the clubhouse being rented more often during the winter months. Additionally, the Council approved a $2,485 hotel/motel tier three grant funds for a bronze plaque for the Thomas Jefferson Gardens.
Finally, the Council heard a presentation on the concerns with the Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) program with Marlene Ehresman who is the executive director of the Iowa Wildlife Center. Ehresman said her experiences with TNR was that unless the environment in which the feral cat came from changed, they were still going to be an issue. She also pointed out that euthanasia, either with a serum or by gunshot were acceptable ways to humanely put a feral cat down.