La Poste Ladies and Tom Maxwell

Since purchasing the Hotel Pattee in Perry last March, Tom Maxwell has frequently made waves around the City, with the most recent example being his purchase of La Poste.

Thursday morning, Maxwell’s purchase of the iconic venue became official, bringing an end to a process several months in the making. La Poste Co-Owners Jenny Eklund, Mary Rose Nichols, and Colleen Eckhoff said they had been approached many times before by people interested in buying the renovated post office, but Eklund says none of the previous offers were from people she trusted to maintain what makes the facility special. However, when Maxwell inquired about linking the venue with his own, Eklund knew it was the perfect opportunity. “Tom has really dedicated himself to our community, the hotel, and this coming together of the hotel and La Poste economically is wonderful for Perry. When they showed their commitment to the arts and Art on the Prairie, that’s what really made us know that this is the family we want to be part of.”

Maxwell emphasizes that the day-to-day operations at La Poste won’t change, and people can still look forward to things like Handlebar Happy Hour on Thursdays. Instead, he says the marriage of the two venues will give people more options for their events, while also removing any sense of competition between the two. “When we started talking about the possibility of putting the two together, it just seemed like the synergies were there. It just seemed like it was perfectly aligned for what both facilities were trying to do. It just allows us to now really dive deeper as one team to try to provide a more enhanced experience for any of our guests that come through either venue.”

To learn more about the sale of La Poste, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at