The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors convened for the second time this week on Thursday.
The meeting began with an introduction from the new Guthrie County Attorney Brenna Bird. The Board then approved a resolution Bird requested that declares her status as part-time. Bird says that while she considers the County Attorney position to be a full-time job, the designation allows her to do pro bono and other work through her private practice that doesn’t serve as a conflict of interest. David Garland of Guthrie Center Communications gave his monthly IT update.
Next, the Board approved a swap funding agreement to receive about $1.1 million in federal funds through Region XII Council of Governments for the Monteith Road project. The Board also approved setting the quarterly per capita rate of $20 for all the cities included in the Solid Waste and Recycling Agency 28E agreement: Adair, Bagley, Bayard, Guthrie Center, Jamaica, Panora, and Yale. The Board approved the new 28E agreement which will go into effect July 1st. Finally, the Board tabled action on a new law enforcement 28E agreement for Guthrie Center until the county attorney has reviewed it.