The Greene County School Board met in special session Thursday morning.
The Board approved the contract terminations for the activities director and strength and conditioning position for Mitch Moore. He originally resigned as activities director and head football coach in mid-December to become the new head football coach at Des Moines Roosevelt. Moore previously told Raccoon Valley Radio that he expected to stay until March, through the hiring process for a new head football coach. The Board formally accepted Moore’s resignation as head football coach at their regular December meeting.
Then in a release from the school district on December 28th, it stated that Moore was being released immediately from his AD and strength and conditioning responsibilities. At Thursday’s meeting, Superintendent Tim Christensen said the contract terminations were not for cause but in the contracts there is a 30-day notice period that termination can be made and Christensen said it was in the district’s best interest to release Moore of his responsibilities last week. The Board voted 6-0 to confirm Christensen’s decision, with board member Sam Harding absent from the meeting. Another stipulation the Board agreed to was to pay Moore through the end of January for both AD and strength and conditioning positions. Board member Dr. Steve Karber commended Moore on establishing the strength and conditioning program that the school district can use going forward. The subsequent private hearing was then cancelled.
The Board also approved a request for a waiver exclusion for an athletic event. Mike Dennhardt submitted the request to attend his son’s senior parent wrestling night later this month. Due to his previous actions, Superintendent Tim Christensen excluded Dennhardt from attending any athletic events for one full calendar year, according to board policy 903.4 on Public Conduct on School Premises. While Dennhardt, who also serves as a board member but was reprimanded as a parent, agreed with the punishment he was asking to attend the event with his family in support of his son. He also said he has problems with the school district and the community with the rules and how they are set with everyone. He thought it wasn’t right that he was kicked out of going to games for one year and it wasn’t right that coaches were allowed to talk to kids the way they were. He asked the other board members to think about that and not changing the rules on a case-by-case basis going forward.
Each board member gave their comments on the situation. Each felt that there are rules in place for a reason, but they felt that they didn’t want to punish Dennhardt’s son, Clint, by not letting his father attend the event. Board President Dr. Mark Peters also offered to attend the event with Dennhardt and the Board agreed with that idea. So the Board voted unanimously to allow the waiver request with Dennhardt abstaining.