Kids and adults will have the opportunity to make some music while enjoying the outdoors in Panora.

With the help of a generous donation from Jim and Joyce McLuen, the Panora Library Board is installing a “music park” on the south side of the library in the downtown square. The project was conceived by board member Dave Grove, who was inspired by a music park installation in Okoboji, “A music park is essentially an outdoor area where there’s instruments that people can play. They’re all weather they don’t get put away for the wintertime, they’re harmonic and sound well together so you can’t hit a wrong note. It’s just a fun way for people to interact and enjoy music together and potentially bring some people to town.”

While they are still working out the details of the park, the Board plans to install the initial three pieces this April. Grove hopes this installation grows with donations for additional instruments much like the one in Okoboji. This park will serve to be one of the several free amenities the Panora Public Library provides to the community.