snow plows

With snow appearing to be imminent in the coming days, residents of Perry are reminded to keep the City’s snow ordinance in mind.

Public Works Director Jack Butler says whenever there is half-an-inch or more of accumulation, the ordinance goes into effect. It states that vehicles cannot be left on any public street, alley, or City-owned off-street parking area, unless the snow has already been removed and has stopped falling. Butler adds, the police department will issue citations to anyone found in violation of the snow ordinance. When the weather gets more severe, however, so do the penalties. “Depending on how big the snow is — you know, if they’re calling for 5, 6, (or) 7-inches of snow — you could get a ticket and a tow. So just remind everybody, your neighbors, your friends, your loved ones. Just pay attention to the weather, and if they’re talking for snow please save yourself the headache, save the officers the headache. Get your cars moved and get them off the streets.”

Anyone with questions about the snow ordinance is encouraged to reach out to Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.