While we haven’t had to see much of snow plow trucks this month in Guthrie County, you can rest assured the Secondary Roads Department has had other projects to work on in the interim.

Guthrie County Engineer Josh Sebern shares what his department has recently been up to, “We have been saving on plowing the snow and ice, no doubt. It’s allowed us to continue to focus on the brush problem in Guthrie County. We have two crews out with chainsaws and excavators cutting a lot of brush. We also have a mower tractor that’s active, cutting some of the lighter brush, trying to push that back to clear some sight distances and just clear some of our right-of-ways.”

The Secondary Roads Department recently finished a box culvert replacement project of four bridges in Victory Township, the only remaining work of the project will be seeding in the spring. They’re also preparing for three bridge repair projects to be completed this winter. Sebern hopes this milder winter continues, though the road crews are prepared for when the eventual snow and ice arrives.