As you drive by the Jefferson Public Library, you may have noticed some work being done on it.
Two roofing projects are taking place on the library. Affordable Quality Exteriors of Perry is replacing the shingle portion of the 1904 Carnegie building, which was last replaced in 1989. Grell Roofing of Fort Dodge will be replacing the flat portion of the Carnegie roof. Grell will also replace the flat roof of the 1967 addition to the library, which was last replaced in 1997. However, that project must wait until spring because the roof will be replaced with a Duro-Last membrane and insulation, for which warmer weather conditions are needed.
City Administrator Mike Palmer says the flat roof project was recently approved by the City Council for $45,500, and the shingle portion was not part of the bid.
“The shingle part was a separate proposal and that was under $10,000. And we looked at that just as more of a maintenance type of thing. This $45,000 hits certain thresholds (and) did require approval of a contract.”
Palmer points out that payment for both projects is from Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST) funds, which was voter-approved a few years ago to make a change of how to spend that money.
“It’s a very important thing that was adjusted to allow for the improvements on public buildings. And this is exactly what it is being used for, it’s that extra penny that’s on every sale of retail items. So it’s not coming out of property taxes.”
Palmer expects both projects to be completed by the end of this spring. Library staff ask patrons to park away from any construction equipment.