Perry Lutheran Homes has been working towards building a senior care facility in Jacmel, Haiti, which is nearly ready to open. The staff is planning a trip there in January to kick things off, but before they go they’re asking the public to help them out with a few things.
To that end, PLH Director of Development Wanda Pritzel says they are conducting a promotion they’re calling “Pack the Suitcases.” “If anyone wants to help, we’re going to have a large suitcase with the lid open sitting in the lobby of both Perry Lutheran’s Willis campus and Spring Valley campus. So that anyone who wants to can drop by items and put them into that suitcase, and we will take them with us to the elder home.”
Items they are looking for include new medical supplies and over-the-counter medications. They are also accepting things like hand sanitizer, soap and body wash, and lotion. Pritzel adds, “The other thing we’re looking to collect would be summer clothes — it never gets cold there like here, so 80’s during the day all year round — and small sizes. We also need a couple specialty things, if anybody has these. We could use stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs that would be small, adult size.”
The suitcases will be out from now until January 5th, and Pritzel is hopeful that each of them will be filled by then. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Perry Lutheran Homes at 515-465-5342.