day camps

Want to get your kids out of the house this winter break?

Guthrie County Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have partnered to offer “Schools Out! Day Camps” throughout this school year. The next workshop titled “Green Power” will be held December 27th at Springbrook State Park. This camp will run from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and will dive into different renewable energy options available in Iowa and attendees will work on winter survival skills.

DNR Training Specialist Anne Riordan shares what kids can gain from these day camps, “And so when we have those workshops together with Extension, it’s just like how we do here it’s a real hands-on thing. So we will have all kinds of things for kids to not just learn about, but get there hands in (and) experiment with, invent, put things together, try things out. So those are great days, it lasts from 9-3 so there’s plenty of time to not just hear about things but really do things.”

The “Green Power” day camp is open to kids in kindergarten through sixth grade and cost is $5. Snacks and supplies will be provided and kids are asked to bring a sack lunch. For a link to register for the camp click here.