We’re entering the final week of the annual Raccoon Valley Radio Caring Christmas Food Drive, and there are several stops throughout the listening area through Saturday.
Dallas County stops this week include: tonight from 4-6 p.m. at the Perry Hy-Vee, sponsored by the Perry Chamber of Commerce; tomorrow from 4-6 p.m. at the Perry Fareway, sponsored by the DMACC VanKirk Career Academy, as well as from 4-6 at the Adel Fareway, sponsored by H&R Block; and Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon at the Perry Fareway. At each stop, we will broadcast live alongside the Big Red Radio and Little Big Red Radio, while collecting food and cash donations for the local food pantries.
Raccoon Valley Radio General Manager John McGee emphasizes that all the food and monetary donations collected will be distributed locally. “If we’re in Perry collecting food, that food stays in Perry and helps the Perry food shelf. If we happen to be in Panora, the food will stay in Panora. If we’re in Jefferson, it says in Jefferson. Whichever community we’re in, that food stays in that community. And I think it’s important to note that we make those donations daily. So if we’re collecting food on Monday night, most of the time Monday night or first thing Tuesday morning it’s being delivered to that food pantry. So it’s getting out there and getting in the hands of the people right away that way.”
For a complete list of participating businesses and food drive stops this week around our listening area, click on the Caring Christmas banner on the front page of RaccoonValleyRadio.com.