Caring Christmas Food Drive

The Raccoon Valley Radio Big Red Radio and Little Big Red Radio will both be out and about in Dallas County this week for more Caring Christmas Food Drive stops.

We will be collecting food and cash donations today from 4-6 p.m. at the Perry Hy-Vee. Tomorrow there will be a stop at the Perry Fareway from 4-6 p.m., followed Friday by one from 1-3 p.m. at People’s Bank in Adel and from 3-6 at Adel Winterset T.V. and Appliance. The week of food drives will wrap up Saturday from 9-11 a.m. at People’s Bank in Waukee, and from 10-noon at the Perry Hy-Vee. We will be broadcasting live at each location and talking with the local sponsor for each stop, while also accepting donations and getting people registered for the $1,000 cash prize giveaway.

All the food and money donated during the Caring Christmas Food Drive is passed on to the nearest local food pantry to help them stay stocked during the busy holiday season. For a complete list of locations and future stops, click the Caring Christmas banner on the main page at