The final program for 2018 for the Greene County Historical Society will be held on Friday.
The end of the year meeting will include the election of officers for the new year, along with recapping the 2018 programs and a look at the upcoming programs for 2019. The slate of officers for 2019 include: David John as president, Margaret Hamilton as programs director, Joyce Ausberger as secretary, Becki Cunningham as treasurer, and Dale Hanaman as past-president. Members can also make other nominations at the meeting as well. There will also be a holiday-themed performance by the Greene County High School band.
The free program and musical entertainment will be at 1pm at the Greenewood Center in Jefferson. A meal will be served at noon. The meal costs $8 for members and $10 for non-members. To reserve a meal contact Nancy Hanaman at 515-436-7684 by the end of today.