The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.
During open forum, Robert Greenway talked about the bill signed by Governor Kim Reynolds during the previous legislative session that expands internet sales tax and will affect local option sales tax revenue. He also mentioned a petition going around Dallas County to increase the Board of Supervisors from three members to five. Most of the action items during the meeting dealt with the Parks and Recreation Department, starting with a change order and pay request for phase two of the McCreary Community Building roof maintenance project. The change order was for $6,462.62, which was to cover added quantities for repair of damages discovered after the start of the project. The pay request was for $16,389.99 to Central States Roofing. Parks and Rec Director John Anderson said the project is now complete and under a 10-year warranty. Both items were approved.
Also in old business, the Council considered a resolution to accept a Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant for wetlands acquisition near Pattee Park. Anderson said the grant was for $100,000 and included a local match of $57,800. It will be used to purchase 20 acres north of the soccer complex pond, which will help the Parks Department better maintain the area. The resolution was approved 4-1, with Council member Chuck Schott the dissenting vote. In new business, the Council set a public hearing for December 17th to discuss a loan agreement for the airport improvement plan. Finally, the Council approved a resolution authorizing the creation of a senior fellowship fund, which will cover the weekly fellowship meals at the McCreary Center.
To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at