
Don’t forget, the annual Iowa Farmers Union (IFU) State Convention will be held this weekend at the Hotel Pattee in Perry.

The two-day event will run tomorrow and Saturday, and will feature several presenters and keynote speakers. On Friday attendees can listen to the National Farmers Union President Roger Johnston, as well as Pulitzer Prize winner Art Cullen of the Storm Lake Times, at the IFU Education Foundation fundraising reception held at 5:30 p.m. On Saturday, there will be a panel on climate change at 8:30 a.m., which will feature Dr. Jerry Hatfield, Ron Rosmann, and Matt Russell. That will be followed by breakout sessions for attendees. Lunch will be served at 11:45, and will continue the environmental theme with a keynote address from Ricardo Salvador, the Director of the Food and Environment Program for the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The convention is open to all IFU members, non-members, and students, and registration can be done online. The cost to attend is $50 for members, $75 for non-members, $25 for IFU beginning farmer or student members, and $50 for non-member beginning farmers and students. For more information or to register, click the link below.